BOFRA and COVID-19 – Update #7 – #12

#7  Reeth Show 2020 Is cancelled.

#8 England Athletics have cancelled all athletics competition until the end of June at the earliest.  Thus, BOFRA have taken the decision to suspend Hawkswick Dash.  It will provisionally be rescheduled for 31 August.
Kettlewell Races are provisionally rescheduled for 12 July.

#9  With regret the 2020 Muker Show is officially cancelled.
So next year’s show on Wednesday 1st September 2021 will be even more special
Take care everyone

#10 Grasmere Sports and Hebden Sports are both cancelled for 2020.
Not champs races but popular shows.

#11 Kirkby Gala 2020 is now cancelled.
It will return on 26 June 2021
#12 Rusland Show is cancelled