Hebden Sports begins at 12 noon on Monday 30th August with first events taking place from 1pm.
Parking is £3 and entry for adults, (15 and over) to the sports is £1. Parking may be in a different field to the sports, so please follow directions when you get to the village. Fell races will be £2 juniors and £5 adults, but there is no charge for U9 or U12 race.
Junior open races from 1pm
Flat races: Boys and Girls races, ages 5 and under to 15
Novelty races: Egg and spoon, sack race, skipping, hoop race,
back-to-back ball and piggyback, potato race, all 4’s, relay
Senior open races from 2:30pm
Ladies and Gents under 40, over 40, over 50, potato race
Junior fell races from 3:30pm
Junior fell races: Under 9, Under 12, Under 14 & Under 17
Category First Prize, Second Prize, Third Prize
Under 17 £20.00 £15.00 £10.00
Under 14 £15.00 £10.00 £5.00
Under 9 & Under 12: Medals for first 5 finishers
Senior fell race from 4:30pm
Open fell race: 17+
Category First Prize Second Prize Third Prize
Ladies £40.00 £25.00 £15.00
Gents £40.00 £25.00 £15.00
Veteran* £15.00
*40+, 45+, 50+, 60+