Coniston Gullies Results – 2024

60 Seniors and 82 juniors took part in Coniston Gullies fell races.
Race winner was Joe Woodley of OAC in a time of 14:58 whilst first lady was Antonia Fan of Ambleside AC in a time of 18:41.

The Under 17 race was won by Oliver Bailey of Staffs Moorlands in a time of 09:57 whilst first U17 girl was Cara Bradley of Ambleside in a time of 11:54.

In the Under 14’s race, Noah Cook of Furness Fell Runners was first boy in a time of 06:36 whilst first U14 girl was Isobel Reid of Chorley AAT in a time of 07:38.

Under 12’s first boy was Charlie Hodgson of Ambleside AC in a time of 05:55 with first U12 girl, Bleu Bailey of Staffs Moorlands a fraction behind also in a time of 05:55.

First boy in the U9 race was Felix Schofield of Keighley & Craven and first U9 girl was Isla Dalton of Helm Hill
